A Network of Knots


A Network of Knots


Creating multiples of a single object

Using an object that represents an important element of my thesis, the project aimed at creating multiples of that single object by following specific rules and actions. I used Knots as tightly knit memes which are used to connect in this era of networked individualism.


Prof. Michelle Hinebrook


4 weeks, Fall 2019


Knot, Use, Repeat

When ordinary people interpose their perspective into their version of the meme, social discourse begins to take place; in an era marked by “network individualism,” memes give people the opportunity to express both their uniqueness and their connectivity simultaneously. The uploaders are the medium and also the message; they are the connectors that expand the reach of memes!

Thus, while memes may appear to be unimportant bits of mainstream culture, they are indeed worthy of further consideration because they provide a democratic avenue for polyvocal digital discourse.

Jotting down a couple of ideas, I finally decided on going ahead with KNOTS as my object. Knots symbolize memes which have the ability to form strong connections, bringing different people together and creating a mass movement.

For 28 days, I continued knotting different materials following certain actions and rules. I then used the outcome in different contexts.

View entire process

Each knot tied, depicts the number of memes and the length of the medium after tying the knots signifies the reach of these memes and ultimately their power. The different materials used symbolize their life and also the scale of their impact.

Outside participation helped create an unplanned journey of this project and also some exciting contexts in which the study could be used.


An open-ended network of Knots

What started with individual studies was now a strong network strengthening its grasp, just like a connected web or rather the firm roots of a strong tree strengthening their grasp in the soil.