Google Lantern


Google Lantern
A Potential Future Ecosystem

Google Home_UX-06.jpg

Speculate the Future of Google Home

This project aims to envision a potential future UX ecosystem and create a targeted User Experience for a Google Home.


UX Designer


Adobe Illustrator


2 weeks, March 2019


An Amalgamation of Google Home and Light Therapy

I explored how a user might interact with Google Home in tandem with a particular aspect of one’s daily routine by adding Light Therapy as one of the main features!

Google Home_UX-12.jpg



Researching existing Google Home features

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Concept Development

Serving Humanity

I envision a Google Home that serves humanity in the long term than simply assisting in completing daily tasks; one that is more empathetic, understanding and features Light Therapy to lift the mood of the user on a daily basis.

What is Light Therapy?

Light therapy is a way to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) by exposure to artificial light.

During light therapy, you sit or work near a device called a light therapy box which gives off bright light that mimics natural outdoor light leading to increase in Vitamin D. This increases the level of serotonin in the brain, thereby leading to increase of well being and happiness.

Google Home + Light Therapy
= Google Lantern

A future Google Home version called ‘Google Lantern’ has the capability to engage emotionally and sense the anxiety of the person through a camera, motion sensor and sound. It acts as a guide via sympathetic communication, light therapy and motivation.

Google Home_UX-03.jpg
User Group

Based on disorder, location and age group

  • People with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • People in tropical regions
  • Students/working people
  • Old/sick people
  • People living alone

User Personas


• Find a job
• Feel motivated

Sophia William
24 years
Seattle, Washington
Actively seeking employment as a Software Engineer


Pain Points:
• Difficulty in finding a job
• Not able to perform well in interviews
• Always dull because of lack of sleep

• Increase concentration
• High self-esteem
• Increase interpersonal skills

The Change

New Work Flow

The new work flow depicts how empathetic Google Lantern will be.


New Features

  1. Light therapy (10000 lux)
  2. Filters out 99% harmful ultraviolet rays
  3. Motivation
  4. Responds to unusual sounds
  5. Emergency call/msg
  1. Desk/Floor lamp
  2. Screen for time and other uses
  3. Face recognition
  4. Motion sensor
  5. Tracking facial expressions
  6. Sympathizing with the user
Final Avatar

Modified Design

The modified design is a much advanced version of the Google Home.

Google Lantern and its features

Google Lantern and its features


Scenario of Use

The below storyboard shows a detailed interaction with the Google Lantern and its impact on the user over time.

Scenario of Use

Scenario of Use